Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Reading response Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 10

Reading response - Assignment Example However, due to the cultural difference the plan of making the daughter a Shirley Temple seems to be failing. The mother is also focused on making the daughter do different tests every night. The tests are seemingly unrelated since they are from different magazines and the continued daughter’s failures to get the correct answers brings great disappointment to both of them. These failures can be attributed to cultural differences that cause different likes. However, after a rebellion from the daughter who wants to do music, the mother allows her and hires a piano teacher. Nonetheless, the performance is still relatively poor prompting the girl to stop attending the piano classes. The daughter is in between two string cultures and due to the cultural conflict does not seem to fit perfectly at one place. Although unaware, efforts to fit in the two cultures are the main reason for her continued failures in the different activities. Maggie is portrayed as humble and innocent girl with great enthusiasm for her heritage and tradition. Unlike Dee, Maggie is shy and has seemingly no courage to face difficult life situations thereby provoking sympathy. Conversely, Dee is seemingly absorbed in a different culture and has always had great interest in reading and achieving a different lifestyle. Although she is not very bright, she struggles and brings forth great effort. This is a show of determination just as she was determined to court Jimmy T by reading to him although he took off to marry a â€Å"cheap city girl†. Additionally, Dee is bold and has great courage to face any situation even the seemingly difficult ones. However, Dee seems to know little about her heritage as compared to Maggie. In fact, the seemingly few cultural things she knows and likes are wrongly placed. For example, she wants the butter churn curved by her uncle only for decoration purposes rather than

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